Thanksgiving Activities Thanksgiving Centers | Printable Classroom Resource | One Sharp Bunch

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Let's talk turkey with these Thanksgiving activities and Thanksgiving centers! This packet includes 6 math and 6 literacy turkey centers, Thanksgiving writing activities, turkey craft and flap book, and Thanksgiving graphic organizers, and some bonus Thanksgiving & Turkey activities! Plus, includes a Thanksgiving emergent reader all about The First Thanksgiving! All Thanksgiving center activities include a response sheet!
Grab the "Fall Bundle" and save 20% off all of my fall math, literacy, and more sets!
Grab the "Mega Bundle" and save 25% off all of my math, literacy, and more sets for the entire year!
Don't forget to check out my Turkey Life Cycle Craft, emergent reader, anchor chart, flip flap book, and more!
You might also like these Decomposing Turkey Craft, Centers, and Games... such great way to incorporate a little math into your Thanksgiving and turkey lessons!
- Ten Frame Turkeys (ten frames, subitizing)
- Turkey Teens (teen numbers, missing number, counting on)
- Tall Turkeys (nonstandard measurement)
- Turkey Trot (skip counting by 5's and 10's)
- Feasting on Number Bonds (number bonds, part-part-whole, addition)
- Thanksgiving Dinner (graphing, analyzing data)
- Gobbling Up Word Families (-at, -an, -ag, -ap word families)
- Cornucopia of Words (CVC words)
- Roll a Word (word wall words)
- Tricky Turkeys (word wall words)
- Thanksgiving Syllables (syllables)
- Let's Talk Turkey (beginning and ending sounds)
- Label the Turkey
- My Turkey Trap
- Turkey KWL Graphic Organizer
- Turkey Tree Map (are, have, can)
- Turkey Bubble Map
- All About Turkeys Craft and Flap Book
- Life Cycle of a Turkey Anchor Chart Cards
- The First Thanksgiving Emergent Reader
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