Comprehension Response Sticks | Joey Udovich
These Comprehension Response Sticks will encourage your students to think critically and analyze texts while reading or listening to literature. They are a fun and interactive way to create communication between the student and the text. They are extremely versatile and can be used in a multitude of ways during instruction.
⭐️ In this download, you will receive...
- 42 comprehension-based response circles
- One printable Comprehension Map to help students anchor their thoughts during the reading process
- 6 visually engaging "Good Readers" posters to encourage your students to practice their comprehension skills while reading
All of this is offered with either a black background or white choose! That means that you are actually getting 84 response circles, 2 Comprehension Maps, and 12 posters!!
⭐️ This resource is perfect for...
✔️Whole group comprehension checks
✔️Partner work
✔️Small Group
⭐️ This resource is perfect for...
✔️Whole group comprehension checks
✔️Partner work
✔️Small Group
Copyright © Joey Udovich (Create Teach Share LLC) Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.