Dollar Store Sight Word Fun for Fall | Printable Teacher Resources | KinderbyKim
This unit contains 12 Fall themed sight word games to use with kindergarten and first grade students. Each of the center games has a dollar store option as well as cards that can be used in place of the dollar store items.
For each game we have included: a color version, a black and white version, an editable version in both color and black and white, a recording page specific to words, a generic recording page, a page for writing words and sentences, and directions of how to play each game. The editable versions allow the teacher to select their own words or to change the games to letters or numerals.
Themes included: eyeballs, squirrels and nuts, scarecrows, skeletons, pumpkins, owls, Halloween kitties, Halloween friends, baking donuts, painting, hay bales, leaves, and mummies.
(c) 2021 - Kim Adsit and Kinderbykim. Permission is granted to original purchasers to reproduce material as designated only for their own classroom use. No other part of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.